29 November, 2009

from my Twitter feed - #ShortFilmSunday - 11/22/09 AND 11/29/09

missed a week, so here's a double dose ::

"Boomerang" by Carla Drago :: Sometimes just being human is embarrassing.

"Combat Rock" by Blake Hamilton :: a boy discovers a love of music - (techno-kiddies may be excited to know this is shot on a Canon 5d Mark ii)

"The Lunch Date" by Adam Davidson :: A classic - a woman in a train station is confronted by her prejudice

"The Red Balloon" by Albert Lamorisse (recommended by @Kevin_Slack) another timeless classic, this one from 1956

"Rusalka" by Alexander Petrov :: (suggested by @jaypea_aitken) a truly astonishing and beautiful glass-painting animation

"Spirits" by Keith Boynton (via @reel13) ...part of the "12 films, 12 weeks" project... nicely done

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